Monday, February 22, 2016

10 tips to get your hair this summer

I knows that the wind causes moisture loss, and as a result the hair becomes porous, rough and opaque. Meanwhile, the sun and chlorine cause wear on the color and dullness, while the presence of sand generates scalp irritation and sensitivity. So it is better to be safe, and take a number of steps before enjoying the sunny days, beach, pool or mountain.
1. Use a hair sunscreen to prevent dehydration and drying hair. They come in spray form and are superprácticos. It should be reapplied to leave the beach or pool, pre-rinse hair with fresh water.One thing: do not use on the scalp (it is greased).
2. Avoid hairstyles on the beach with wet hair because the hair is more vulnerable and breaks more easily.
3. Add hats, scarves and hats. Complete the outfit and safeguard the hair from the sun and heat.
4. A good shampoo will allow you to maintain a healthy scalp. At the end the day, wash your hair with shampoo that removes a specific all traces of hair products, sea water, chlorine and sand.The secret is to choose the one that suits the needs of your hair. In summer there are refreshing options (which include in their menthol formulations), solar and chlorine filter.

See what happens to your body after taking a Coca-Cola

10 MINUTES -  A similar amount to 10 teaspoons of sugar tea strike your body (100% of the daily recommendation).  With this amount of sugar, you just do not immediately vomit because phosphoric acid cuts the great taste of sugar, allowing Coca do not be so sweet.

20 MINUTES -  The sugar in your blood increases, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar into fat (which at that time is plentiful).

40 minutes -  Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked, preventing you from getting numb.

45 MINUTES  - Your body increases dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. Physically, this is exactly what happens if you take a dose of heroin.

60 minutes -  Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in their intestine, causing an increase in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners. This also makes you eliminate calcium in the urine.

65 MINUTES -  The diuretic properties of caffeine begins to act, and makes you feel like going to the bathroom. Now it is certain that you will defecate the addition of calcium, magnesium and zinc; they should go to their bones as well as sodium and water.

70 MINUTES -  The excitement you felt passes. You start to feel a lack of sugar that makes you get a little angry and / or lazy. This time you've urinated all the water Coca, but not before take along some nutrients that your body would use to hydrate the body and strengthen bones and teeth.  This will all be followed by a huge lack of caffeine in a few hours. Less than two if you're a smoker.