If there is something extremely beneficial and almost entirely in nature is honey, because it contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals plus trace elements, which are ideal for our body. Although many types of honey which they may be adulterated currently. Many of these honeys are blends of honey with glucose solutions which are of very little quality with more water than honey, and are obtained from cells without lids or rather (not sealed with wax).
To our good fortune, there are some ways to check if we bought honey really is pure and of good quality, or is adulterated in some way.
The first thing is, read the label
So you can identify if the honey you buy does not have any alteration, the first thing to do is to read the ingredient list, as you read, check that does not contain an ingredient called (high fructose corn syrup) or mostly known as commercial glucose, which are widely used to stretch honey, and will not allow this to solidify.
We will check the solidification of honey
If you do not know this information; all honeys are always in a liquid state, but there comes a time when they tend to solidify, this process is known as sugarburn. So if you notice when you buy a bottle of honey and this crystallised, this means that it is completely pure honey. Likewise, if you buy a liquid honey you can wait a few days to see if it solidifies or put it in your refrigerator to speed up this process. If you see that fails to crystallise, the chances of it has been adulterated is great. So be careful.
How to know if the honey is pure or has been adulterated?
Since we always love to keep you informed and in health, therefore with these simple tricks can identify if bought honey has been adulterated in any way in the process. Take note of the following tips.
Pour a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. If you see that honey is dissolved without touching it, then it is not pure honey. But then as you move to throw it into the water, honey as such must be all together as a solid.
We will take a little honey and mix it with water, then we'll take five drops of vinegar essence. If you see that honey foams, it means that the honey has been adulterated with plaster.
Put a little honey in a spoon and place it down quickly if honey dropping from spoon means that it is very humid and is not of good quality, as good quality honey takes some time to fall, as it very slowly.
Another way to check the quality of our honey is light a match and burn match or a little honey; if we burn the honey is completely pure honey. But if we see that it does not, it is because it has a lot of moisture (water), and therefore it has been adulterated.
If you have a little iodine in your house, looking a little honey and mix it with water and check it two drops of iodine. If the result is blue, it means that honey was adulterated with starch or flour.
These are simple and quick to find out if our honey is quality or not forms. So you have a greater amount of assertiveness when you go to buy honey, and so make the most of their nutrients to your diet.
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