Wednesday, July 29, 2015



Sometimes we find a hair that lacks just that, volume. And how do I get it? Well, let's see a video that really is useful.

Entertaining and educational, we not lose sight of their advice, since we will be useful. . Here we use the foam as a tool 


As for the foam and generally we can follow these steps:

  • The first step is to apply the volumizing product that will help us in this task, for example a volumizing foam, apply it to damp hair and especially in the root that is where most want the effect to be noticeable. Then the secaremos hair upside down while moving it with our fingers once and dry with a boost recompondremos us. If we need we can reapply foam to the hair.
  • Now it's shape and movement to the hair, and here we have several options, making a brushing (with dryer and round brush)

In this section we turn to other plates. The hair straighteners not only serve to straighten or curl your hair, but we can also use them to give volume to our hair. 
In general, any iron serves to achieve the goal.

Note that simple movement can achieve the desired effect. If we choose the latter one option we will take the locks, we will go about the smoothing and others in the iron making light waves. Some waves will be more marked than others, or only at the ends, so that they are intertwined strands and thus a feeling of greater volume.

If you want a more pronounced waves strands to be smaller and hold a few seconds with the plates before releasing the lock, but it just depends on the final effect you seek. 
If you like to finish more unstructured have only loos with fingers from well below the root and to secure a good cloud of hairspray. You got your hair with volume list.

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