Wednesday, July 29, 2015


The spots on the face are an aesthetic problem that can occur after exposure to sun, skin diseases, sudden changes of weather, lack of proper hygiene, poor eating habits, dehydration, among others. Beauty This problem is becoming more common and are exposed every day from the disease, since the factors that produce it are part of our daily life. Luckily, there are natural ways to treat this problem and restore the beauty of the skin to look radiant again, with a smooth and healthy skin. 

 * -3 Healthy Habits that you must implement to reduce stains on the face .. 

 1- Milk ... The lactic acid in milk helps remove dead skin cells, leaving it soft and renewed. Its bleaching properties makes it a good treatment to reduce stains, achieving a more even tone. To apply just enough to dip a cotton ball in milk and apply on the face. Should do gentle massage with milk on the face to exfoliate the skin and achieve better results. 

 2 - Oxygenated water ... Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply gently over the stain on the face you want to disappear. 

 3 - Cebolla ... Onion juice contains vitamin C and sulfur. Blend a purple onion and apply it on the skin of the face using a cotton ball. This will help reduce blemishes and also decrease wrinkles and acne. 

 4 - Using lemon. We take a lemon and cut it into two parts and apply to the affected area evenly rubbing the face, this will help us because the citrus Lemon will give a natural look to your face. 

 5 - Using potato. This is one of the most effective remedies for spots on the face, take a potato and can apply as we can think, either sliced ​​or could do a paste using it, this will help us a lot when it comes to removing stains on the face, with this technique you get unimaginable results and in no time. 

 6 - Juice Yogurt. If, as you read, you need two things, juice orange juice and yogurt, mix them together and you apply them to the affected area, rubbing gently, then let it act for about 20 minutes.

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