Still Summer, still vacation! I'm loving these "100 years of" videos.
This video made me realize that men got a lot of bad fashion when it came to bathing suits. Isn't?
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Yesterday, before students of lower levels, students returned to classes from high school: the high school students, high school, under the system in which they are enrolled. Or simply teenagers who, in the educational system are exposed or outside it, in seeking to define themselves generally prefer to use other things that your school.
One of those other things that identify or define the young, and certainly one of the most important is the music.
And yet, at least in Mexico, the high school level education suffers from precisely the subject of music. Perhaps because it is considered that was already sufficiently covered in previous levels (which usually false) or because it is considered that the benefits, amply demonstrated, music education exist only in childhood.
However, a study published July 20 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) shows that music education helps "develop skills that are critical to academic success" and "musical training during high school 'sharpening' brain development. "
Music and neural development
The study suggests that musical training accelerates neural development, particularly auditory perception and language skills.
"While music programs are often the first to be eliminated when schools have budget problems, our results highlight the importance of music in the curriculum of the high school," says Nina Kraus, lead author of the study and director of Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at the School of Communication at Northwestern University.
"While learning to play music not teach skills that seem directly relevant to most races, these results suggest that music can generate what educators call 'learning to learn'," adds Kraus said in a statement.
The study compared students who are involved in the school band and compares them with those who were enrolled in a program of physical exercise.
Throughout the three years of high school and the duration of the study, all students improved their skills related to spoken language, but the improvement was greater in those taking music class than those who did exercise.
It is known that the processing of small, very important for language skills, sonic detail is decreased in children who grow up in poverty, so the authors suggest that music education in adolescence may help reverse this deficiency.
"Our results support the notion that the adolescent brain is still receptive to musical training," wrote the paper's authors.
Music, to remove
The benefits of music beyond music education. Just listening is beneficial.
For example, last May was published in the journal Sports Medicine-Open certain playlists in no less than 70% adherence to therapy for rehabilitation of patients with heart problems. This happened if the tempo of the selected music was the same as that required patients to do their exercises.
A few days later, at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, data about how music helps "intubateds" who have been connected to a ventilator, because that helps them relax and reduce anxiety (measured as often presented heart) try to breathe without the machine.
And it has even seen that it can help certain patients with certain forms of epilepsy.
However, returning to teenagers, what they want is not only music, but appropriate it, which explains, according to a study done at the Aalto University in Finland, YouTube is the world's largest music service.
This first academic study attributes the success of YouTube video site, where the music is by far the most requested, to the possibility that the creations of popular musicians can be reused in many ways by users as YouTube promotes very While these recreations, says researcher Lassi A. Liikkanen.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Sex with chocolate is a myth?
Chocolate is sometimes called an aphrodisiac, but new research published in The International Society for Sexual Medicine, shows that the delicacy is not working like an aphrodisiac.
Scientists at several universities found that chocolate does contain ingredients that are linked to a high levels of serotonin, a substance that excites our sexual appetite in our brains. But in practice, people who eat chocolate does not have significantly more interest in sex. The researchers observed in a bar two groups: one group of subjects treated with chocolate, the second group chocolate. In retrospect, was probed their interest in sex and it shows that the people who ate chocolate had no more or less sense than the rest. The scientists concluded from their findings that the fact that chocolate as an aphrodisiac act all the time, was a persistent myth.
Oysters are rich in amino acids and serotonin, and therefore diving frequently in lists of aphrodisiac foods. They also contain a lot of zinc, a convenient mineral to produce testosterone. Nevertheless, the researchers can not scientifically substantiate that the shellfish increase our sexual appetite. Honey also absolutely does not help.
But it is not completely lost. The study shows that extracts of the Chinese tree Ginkgo Biloba does mean something to your sex life. A small study showed that the tree, really has medicinal properties and problems of a sexual nature in both men and women can do fade.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Vlogger Nicole Matthews with acne radiates within handful of minutes
The American beauty vlogger Nicole Matthews can count on some 40,000 followers of its YouTube channel. But a multiple thereof - nearly two million - already watched this video in which the 22 year old shows how you go from a skin with acne for a glamor look.
The makeup may perhaps be for us a little exaggerated, it gives quite a few handy tips. And they also deserve some credit, of course, the camera will appear in your simplicity with blemishes and bags under the eyes, there are many who would not dare.
Maybe it's just though it already produces those clicks.
Any comments?
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
25 signs that you are having success in life
We've all had days, weeks, months and even years for some who do not feel sad and do not move.
We all are generally doing better than we usually believe. Most of us are so busy trying to avoid the bullets that you send us the life that we forget to stop and appreciate our small victories.
We must avoid falling into the path of self sabotage and doubt, and for this we must congratulate ourselves and realize What we are doing well.
Consider for a moment that you're doing a great job in your life. Live is not easy but can be enjoyable once you begin to see the good things instead of focusing on the bad.
They are really living a good life if you can recognise these 25 signals:
1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be.
2. You may not have all the money you'd want, but live an abundant life.
3. You are not afraid to ask for help and support.
5. Make uploaded your standards.
6. You let go of things that did not make you feel good.
7. You have times when you appreciate what you see in the mirror.
8.'re working to limit your inner critic, or more consciously choose positive thoughts.
9. You have learned that failure and obstacles are part of personal growth.
10. You have a support system that includes people who would do anything for you.
11. hear "I love you" followed by friends, family or partner.
12. you accepted what you can not change, but change what you can not accept.
13. Do not complain too much, but you focus on finding solutions.
14. Do not blame your parents, and accept them for who they are.
15. You no longer matter what others think of you.
16. Are you happy when your ex's move on.
17. You can celebrate the success of others.
18. You allow yourself to feel your emotions, and feel comfortable sharing.
19. Have passions to pursue.
20. You can not divert accepting compliments.
21. Have you crave things.
22 goals have been met.
23. Have empathy for others.
24. You feel connected to your work.
25. You love deeply, and you can open up and be loved by others.
How to know when if you eat honey is pure or is adulterated?
If there is something extremely beneficial and almost entirely in nature is honey, because it contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals plus trace elements, which are ideal for our body. Although many types of honey which they may be adulterated currently. Many of these honeys are blends of honey with glucose solutions which are of very little quality with more water than honey, and are obtained from cells without lids or rather (not sealed with wax).
To our good fortune, there are some ways to check if we bought honey really is pure and of good quality, or is adulterated in some way.
The first thing is, read the label
So you can identify if the honey you buy does not have any alteration, the first thing to do is to read the ingredient list, as you read, check that does not contain an ingredient called (high fructose corn syrup) or mostly known as commercial glucose, which are widely used to stretch honey, and will not allow this to solidify.
We will check the solidification of honey
If you do not know this information; all honeys are always in a liquid state, but there comes a time when they tend to solidify, this process is known as sugarburn. So if you notice when you buy a bottle of honey and this crystallised, this means that it is completely pure honey. Likewise, if you buy a liquid honey you can wait a few days to see if it solidifies or put it in your refrigerator to speed up this process. If you see that fails to crystallise, the chances of it has been adulterated is great. So be careful.
How to know if the honey is pure or has been adulterated?
Since we always love to keep you informed and in health, therefore with these simple tricks can identify if bought honey has been adulterated in any way in the process. Take note of the following tips.
Pour a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. If you see that honey is dissolved without touching it, then it is not pure honey. But then as you move to throw it into the water, honey as such must be all together as a solid.
We will take a little honey and mix it with water, then we'll take five drops of vinegar essence. If you see that honey foams, it means that the honey has been adulterated with plaster.
Put a little honey in a spoon and place it down quickly if honey dropping from spoon means that it is very humid and is not of good quality, as good quality honey takes some time to fall, as it very slowly.
Another way to check the quality of our honey is light a match and burn match or a little honey; if we burn the honey is completely pure honey. But if we see that it does not, it is because it has a lot of moisture (water), and therefore it has been adulterated.
If you have a little iodine in your house, looking a little honey and mix it with water and check it two drops of iodine. If the result is blue, it means that honey was adulterated with starch or flour.
These are simple and quick to find out if our honey is quality or not forms. So you have a greater amount of assertiveness when you go to buy honey, and so make the most of their nutrients to your diet.
Empty Mirror
How do you describe something that is characterised by its absence?
Even hunger is not a void. Hunger is hunger .... A state, a feeling, a subject, a purpose in life.
But this emptiness is uncaring, thoughtless, wordless. Deaf, dumb and blind.
How do you describe something that is not there? "What's wrong?" "Nothing."Rarely was this answer honestly.
How to make tangible, as this "nothing" can thus weigh heavily on a person?
My sister's birthday. I'll call her. I forgot what I wanted. Fortunately I get the curve and I find it yet again. Congratulations are with us always a mixture of "should be" and "how embarrassing." Thus, it does not fall to continue.
My thoughts often break out in spurts out of me. If I write them down, for example, for the blog, I have to portioning and temporally distributing something - so that individuals are not identifiable, so that I can even win a little more distance to events, thoughts and feelings and because I commentaries mercilessly to 10 different topics would be overwhelmed. It's bad enough that my own thoughts start pouring on me, before the thought of my dear commentators I need (so dear and precious to me every word also is) a bit 'protect' in this respect. Just because my comments are so important, and already in this way far too many of my inadequate or even sometimes not be answered - simply because I'm still overwhelmed. What is a problem is that there all alone on my side.
But thus it is thought to act strangely, now read of this emptiness. Because it does not look here on the blog just to emptiness, right? (Leaving empty and thoughts circles no contradiction for me ... but I can not really explain well and hope that comes halfway over, what I mean?)
I sit in front of a text and see its meaning in the consideration of the case. I find that this is a strange one letter, while the t looks somehow reassuring. i and l do not like, which has y a beautiful shape, but steps out of line, while the Y while a similar but has an incorrect form. x, y and z are just plain ugly, the points have no relation to the rest of the letters and let him act so arbitrary and imperfect.
It strikes me as illogical that I am thirsty and therefore will have a drink. Not only that the body has nothing to need. The link (IF thirsty then drink) seems to me ... illogical.
It seems to me logical to crawl half an hour after getting back to bed, when I know that I had a lot to do and I will regret in the evening at the desperate chase against time the hours of sleep.
I wake up drenched in sweat, even though my body is cold. In my dreams I can not remember.
In the mirror I look at two eyes. Huge eyes in a pale face. A wax figure that rose up from the mirror hell, to whisper me with closed lips slightly.
An echo in my head. No words, no thoughts, no sound, no hallucination. Only the feeling of an echo. Only emptiness.
Monday, August 3, 2015
All details of the upcoming Fashion Week Madrid
Company Ailanto will be responsible for opening the catwalk in Madrid next September 18.
he clock has started running and is that in less than two months will begin Fashion Week Madrid. This morning was held the press conference in which it was revealed all the details of the 62nd edition of this appointment with fashion, where collections are presented spring-summer 2016 . Want to know what? For starters, it notes that the runway will begin on September 18 and will end after four, 22, with performances by young designers in EGO. Want to know when they are going to parade your favorite designers? Keep reading!
What are empty calories and what their risks
There are foods that provide a lot of energy and we believe they are good for the body, but it turns out some drinks or meals lack the necessary nutrients that our body needs.
Called "empty calories" usually contain high amounts of simple sugars and saturated fats (unhealthy lipids) . The combination of both compounds leads to suffering from cardiovascular problems and chronic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.
Foods that contain this type of calories stimulate appetite , hence the right to replace healthy food for energy we generate more heat rise. Young people between 12 and 18 can consume between 8 and 20% of empty calories in the day. But today consumption is alarming, since around 40%.By consuming foods low in nutrients the body tends to replace them with more caloric foods. Ie, lack of nutrients increases twice calorie intake.
What are foods that contain empty calories?
Here are the main foods we usually consume without knowing the consequences of abuse:
* Soft. There are many circulating on the adverse effects of soft information. A bottle of 250 ml has 25g of sugar, that is, the content of ... About two envelopes and a half! According to studies from Yale University, "the probability of a child becoming obese increases by 60% for each can of soda consumed per day", and the data raise concern. Although there are soft light low amount of sugar it is advisable to consume as little as possible. In this way, we reduce the likelihood of diseases such as diabetes.
* Fried. Fried foods are another enemy of health, incorporating a lot of fat.One option for preparations necessarily feel to go through the pan is very hot oil use and drain food with paper towels.
* Juices packaged. Needless to say: it is always better to take a natural juice to one packaging. The packaged and processed fruit loses fiber and nutrients, and large amounts of sugar are used to preserve them. It is also recommended reducing consumption of fruits in syrup. A peach in syrup has almost twice sugar fresh one.
* Sports drinks. As packaged juices, sports drinks based on water, sugars and minerals are high in sugar and yet insufficient minerals, essential in sports.
* Alcoholic beverages. that excessive consumption causes hypoglycemia, is known fatty liver and other diseases. And it is that alcohol provides 7 kcal / g which are not usable by the body. A glass of wine, for example, gives us a 85-100 kcal. They should be eaten in moderation, as they decrease the absorption of nutrients that provide food.
* They join the list cookies, snacks, candy, cookies, sugary cereals and ice cream . Some of these foods are high in saturated fats and / or trans fats and high amount of sodium, so it is recommended to consume these treats in moderation.
Some advices
The ideal is to eat a balanced diet, but there are other strategies to eliminate empty calories:
* Control your sugar intake. The greatest risk of consuming empty calories is adding more sugar to foods voluntarily or because they are included in processed foods like candy.
* Drinking alcohol on special occasions, not often or in large amounts.
* Check the labels of foods processed to see the percentage of nutrients according to the recommended daily intake. If a food has a daily value of 5% or less are considered to have a low nutrient content.
* In some foods, such as fruit or milk sugars are rapidly absorbed too fast in water, minerals, fiber, vitamins and proteins, so their intake may be warranted.
Dukan Express. One week diet
Taken from
I do not know if you know that there is a "mini" version losses 2 or 3 kilos (mainly due to excesses at Christmas, summer, parties ...) reducing to seven days the duration of the "diet" and might be help in some cases.
I leave a summary:
Day 1: Consumption of protein at will. Meat, fish, eggs ...
Day 2: Protein + "green" Vegetables; eg broccoli, green beans, spinach ..
Day 3: Same as day 2 + 1 piece of fruit
Day 4: Same as day 3 + 2 slices of bread
Day 5: Same as day 4 + 40 grams of cheese
Day 6: Same as Day + 5 200 grams of rice, potatoes or pasta
Day 7: Food gala. You can make one meal free gala, provided not repeat any dish and take a serving of dessert (or cheese)
Mandatory daily physical activity, the first on 10 minutes brisk walk and work up to 20 minutes a day (and keep that habit the rest of our lives !!> _ <)
Sample menu for a week
In most dishes I left the link ^ _ ^ just press to access the recipe
MONDAY (proteins)
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, boiled egg, fresh cheese 0%, bran bread made with 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
Food: Smoked salmon rolls , chicken breast grilled, fresh cheese 0%
Dinner: spicy prawns , fillet of beef grilled, Natural yogurt 0%
+ 10 minutes of brisk march
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, boiled egg, fresh cheese 0%, bran bread made with 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
Food: Lettuce salad and cooked shrimp, spinach egg , custard or custard agar agar
Dinner: Cucumber salad, steamed hake with tomato, yogurt 0%
+ 12 minutes of brisk march
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, clear and tortilla turkey breast, 1 or 2 natural yoghurt 0% bran bread made with 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
Food: Tortilla cauliflower , chicken livers grilled, one Kiwi
Dinner: salad of tomatoes, cod Papillote , Natural yogurt 0%
+ 14 minutes of brisk march
THURSDAY (2 slices of bread are added)
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, 2 slices of bread , cheese spread 0%
Food: cucumber gazpacho, grilled fresh tuna, pineapple (1 serving)
Dinner: Grilled vegetables , baked chicken (skinless) with mushrooms, yogurt 0%
+ 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
+ 16 minutes of brisk march
FRIDAY (add 40 grams of cheese, avoiding fermented paste)
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, 2 slices of bread , cheese spread 0%
Lunch: Green bean salad, grilled salmon, cottage cheese 0%
Supper: mussels in sauce , stuffed eggplant (instead of low-fat cheese 40grs add cheese), Middle handle
+ 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
+ 18 minutes of rapid traverse
SATURDAY (add 200 grams of pasta)
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, boiled egg, 2 slices whole wheat bread, fresh cheese 0%
Food: Turkey breast grilled, 200grs of cooked pasta (about 70grs dry), 40 grams of cheese,baked apple with cinnamon (no sugar)
Dinner: Tuna Pate , bran bread made with 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran, bean sprouts tortilla, fresh cheese 0%
+ 20 minutes of brisk march
Breakfast : Coffee or tea, 2 slices of bread, 1 or 2 natural yoghurt 0%, half a grapefruit
Lunch: starter, main course and dessert free without repeating, and a glass of wine (optional)
Dinner: Cream of carrots , lemon chicken breasts, Natural yogurt 0%
+ 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran
+ 20 minutes of brisk march
- (1)
- (2)
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Sunday, August 2, 2015
3 Signs Of Cheating For Dummies
2. He doing new shit like (bathing, putting on new clothes). Now if he do that already then you need
to check your accounts, phone bills and look for new keys on his key ring.
3. He leave every time Tyrone call or everything he suspect about involves Tyrone.
The list can go on and on but today is Sunday and we got things to do. But before I go I will leave you with this short and quick booking. A man will try your limits and if you allow it he will do it.
New viral fashion could be hazardous to health
INTERNATIONAL.- EDITORIAL The challenge of the clavicle, better known online as #CollarboneChallenge is a challenge that has become very fashionable in recent days, and experts have been quick to warn of the danger.
It is to make a mountain of coins and place them lying in the clavicle (as seen in the image). This trend began in China, after an actress placed up to 80 coins. Now, do hundreds of young people around the world and upload their photos to Instagram.
The aim is to demonstrate that the marked clavicles are sexy, although there who takes it as a test to know if you are thin or not. Such trends could encourage extreme thinness.
Israeli model of 14 who signed a contract with Dior, has a history of Cinderella
Mechetner Sofia lives with two younger brothers and her mother, who is head of household. While not in school, Sofia clean the house, cooking and as Israel's Channel 2, sleeps on a mattress because they have enough money to buy a bed.
The blonde 5'11 '' decided to try his luck in the modeling world by his height and slim figure. Roberto agency that represents Israel sent its portfolio to another agency (Live) in Paris and went to interview them. But scouts rejected by his young age.
According to Yahoo, Mechetner shop Dior visited during his stay in Paris, where the creative director of the brand, Raf Simons was. She asked for a photo, he told his story and later received a call at home because Simons wanted to march past in the Paris Fashion Week Fall / Winter 2016.
According to the Washington Post, Mechetner of 14, he signed a contract for $ 265,000, was also one of the models on the catwalk at Dior close. What a luck!
Saturday, August 1, 2015
There are many exercises to tone your thighs and get fit. However, there are few who get to quickly remove fat. If you want to get this exercise, do this program that we propose. Only you must perform these three exercises three times a week.
Exercises to remove fat from thighs quickly
1. Skipping

Jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises out there to remove accumulated fat in the thighs. To be effective, you must combine two types of jump. First, Make 2 sets of 50 jumps in static and feet together. Second, Make 2 sets of 30 jumps in movement and jumping first with one foot and then the other. Consistency will see how quickly tone your legs and fat disappears without be aware of it.

To avoid facing the sun do not stop reading these tips and so just enjoy its benefits, care of the practical skin for proper protection of the skin in the sun, before, during and after the exhibition:
"A successful protection skin can prevent the appearance of spots and blemishes, prevent photoaging or even long term, skin cancer. "
1. Photoprotection, always before leaving home. Sunscreen helps filter out ultraviolet A and B rays, which are harmful to the skin. It will also help us achieve a gradual tan and avoid short-term complications such as burns, and also long-term consequences, such as photoaging or even cancer piel.Los dermatologists recommend a SPF of 30 or higher. In addition, new protective factors provide vitamins to fight free radicals and hyaluronic acid to hydrate.
2. Reapply every two hours. The doctor advised
Are you sapiosexual? Be attracted to intelligence?
"Falling in love is feeling happy about something, and some can only love if or appears to be perfect"José Ortega y Gasset
Height, health, good looks, sense of humor, money, power ... all these are answers to the question why a person attracts us?
We do not often when someone brings us to question why it does, and we debate internally about the "why" or "how". It just happens, and means that we want to be with that person and try to make our wish come true.
The classical view
The classical laws of attraction according to social psychology collect four basic principles : similarity, proximity, reciprocity and increased attraction under conditions of anxiety and stress.
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