Saturday, August 1, 2015

Are you sapiosexual? Be attracted to intelligence?

"Falling in love is feeling happy about something, and some can only love if or appears to be perfect"
José Ortega y Gasset
Height, health, good looks, sense of humor, money, power ... all these are answers to the question why a person attracts us?
We do not often when someone brings us to question why it does, and we debate internally about the "why" or "how". It just happens, and means that we want to be with that person and try to make our wish come true.

The classical view

The classical laws of attraction according to social psychology collect four basic principles : similarity, proximity, reciprocity and increased attraction under conditions of anxiety and stress.

Other factors studied that are in the way of attraction of love is physical attraction, similarity and familiarity. Empirical evidence of the late twentieth century showed that beauty determined our assessments of others.
The similarity is another pillar that relies on shared beliefs and attitudes. According to Byrne and Clore, when we see that others accompany our views and our property, we feel more confident in our positions . We're not alone, others and support us because they think like us.
Finally, familiarity is another important element. According to researchers and Kirste Monge, a greater familiarity, greater makes us the partner / a.
We can rely on Mila Cahue clinical psychologist, summarizing the complexity of these processes. As she said:
"There is a strong mental component. There are no fixed rules indicating why we want someone. Come into play from genetic factors to emotional learning. "

Erotic intelligence

It may be that a significant portion of these new forms of attraction are thanks to the complicity with new technologies  as they open new ways and forms of communication.
This expands the range of connections and contact with people of different profiles that enrich us and attract. The constant exchange of information uncovered these changes in the development of personal relationships.
However, new technologies may not have such an important role. Stories about love students of university professors, mentors learners love in the workplace and listeners love radio broadcasters have been part of everyday life long before the unveiling of term sapiosexual.
Its main feature is the attraction and erotic arousal by the intelligence of others.  This does not mean that the physical, the emotional, the similarity and reciprocity is not valued, but above all, the quality of the conversation, the complexity of knowledge or expertise of the person some interest.
Questions about the sapiosexual: why ?, how do they operate?
Why? What distinguishes these people from others?  Psychologists personality point to a high level in the personality trait known as "openness to experience" .
It corresponds to people who are curious, have imagination and are open-minded. Overall they appreciate art and enjoy listening innovative ideas.
The sapiosexuals  have been poorly studied . In fact, there are opinions that suggest that the attraction of an intelligent person is based on  the capacity that is presumed to get more resources or better career .
This new form of sexuality seems somehow disconcerting given that  comes in psychological variable, confronted directly with the theories of evolutionary biologist or cut.
These classic sociobiological trends to speak of attraction marked by merely perpetuating trend. That is, l he men tend to choose women with attributes associated with motherhood and immaturity  (small nose, large breasts, wide hips, and eyes and big mouth).
Moreover  characteristics women seek dominance or care of the offspring  (large jaw, muscle strength or trends helping others).
It is obvious that search criteria couple marked by health and survival has become obsolete so there are new scientific trends that transform the classic hypothesis in step with the times.
And ... how they operate, how we establish and recognize pattern:? Search of surprise in a good dialogue focusing fleeing topics and themes such as philosophy, physics, art or literature.That  intellectual stimulation will result in activation and sexual arousal known as the most people.
Heterosexual, homosexual, metrosexual, bisexual, asexual, sapiosexuals ... are still unclear parameters make infatuation, sexual attraction or lack thereof.
Psychologists must continue to collect experiences regarding ways of relating, and the factors that influence individual processes.
Times change, is a constant. What happened between two people and that was cataloged as incomprehensible or difficult to explain, it is now established as  another way of feeling and love.

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