Saturday, August 1, 2015


It is well known that a thick, beautiful eyelashes not only enhance the intensity of the look but are a major weapon of seduction of the female face. 

However many women have a too short lashes or sparsely populated for them curling eyelashes is an effective and durable alternative, with some really amazing aesthetic results.


The technique of curling eyelashes accentuates the natural curvature of the eyelashes. 

This effect thanks to the application of small curlers chosen according to the length of the eyelashes and eyelids fixed on by an adhesive product and the performance of a permanent gel is obtained and a neutralizingmaterials and products: 

- Eye makeup remover : no fat. 

- Cotton. 
- Tissue: to dry the area. 
- Brush eyelashes: eyelashes brush allows for loosely. 
- Adhesive Cola plant: it allows glue the tabs to the curler without neutralizing the effect of permanent products and also can be easily removed.- curlers adherents: on the market is found already prepared in different sizes so they can be selected according to the length of the tabs, the intended ripple and also are adaptable fully to the curvature of the eyelid . Another option would be to use cord cotton of different sizes that can be acquired in haberdashery. 
- Palito orange: an orange wood stick with a rounded shape, one end of which is tapered and the other wedge. It is used to help tailor the tabs to the mold chosen. 
- Permanent Gel: which contains a derivative of thioglycolic acid as the active agent capable of breaking the disulfide bonds of keratin hair, and a pH buffer proteinaceous as a protective agent - plastics will be used to keep warm on the exposure time. Cosmetic work better and / or more deeply with a slight rise in temperature. 
- Small towel: will be used to cover the plastic on the exposure time and provide the client's relaxation. 
- Cotton swabs: to withdraw the products. 
- neutralizing Gel: which reconstructs the disulfide bonds of keratin, leaving the shape of the curler fixed. 
- Boll: made ​​of plastic, glass, porcelain, etc., containing the warm water used for removing the molds. 
- sponges or facial disc: will be used to remove with warm water molds eyelids. 
- regenerating product for eyelashes. 
- Eye contour cream: it will serve to complement the treatment. 

Preparation of the client: 
- putting on a robe and a towel or headband to the hair does not hinder our work. 
- hang them on a folding chair or on a stretcher to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible throughout treatment. 
- Desmaquillarle eye and its contour with a cleansing lotion cotton and no fat. 

Treatment Step by step:

1. In all services facials, makeup removal is advisable to proceed to the face. In this treatment, also lashes makeup removal must be complete and perfect as it depends, in great part, the products can act. The cleansing must be (at least fatty possible), and if in doubt, clarify with lukewarm water. Aqueous product

2. Will dry the lashes with a tissue and cepillaremos so they are fully loose and focused to begin treatment.

3. Apply adhesive glue on the eyelid near the root of the lashes, following its natural curve.

4. Select the size of the molds to be used depending on the tab along that we have and the desired curvature by the customer and placed on the glue line applied earlier.

5. Curler, already adapted to the eyelid, be soaked adhesive glue across its surface and using an orange stick you will adapt tabs carefully, being the most important for obtaining a good result step:

- The eyelashes will stick in the direction of the same. If there are crossed or in small groups, so they will be at the end.

- Ensure that the tip of the tab is right and good punch.

- The tabs should have received the same pressure and tension so that its curvature is homogeneous.

- There should be no tabs loose in short they are.

6. Once the tabs are firmly proceed to permanently apply the gel, to be applied from root to tip and leave act pose time recommended by the manufacturer (about 10 to 15 minutes).

7. We cover the eye with a plastic material to cause an effect of heat, and add up a small towel to pose during the time the client is relaxed in an atmosphere of darkness.

8. Uncover the performance of the gel time elapsed, clean and remove product with a dry cotton swab.

9. Then we apply on the neutralizing gel tabs until well impregnated.

10. Back to cover the eyes with plastic and towel and let the product act as recommended by the manufacturer. Also about 10 to 15 minutes.

11. After expiry of the application time, we will withdraw the products and curlers with the help of cotton soaked in warm water or disk or facial sponges.

12. Dry and then brush the lashes to present the results to the client.

13. Be advisable to apply a regenerative cream eyelashes to complete the treatment and if we apply complement massage the eye area with a special cream for this.

Recommendations for the customer:

1. No makeup eyelashes within 24 hours.

2. Do not carry a dye eyelashes until they have not passed at least 72 hours.

3. Be advised always eye makeup remover with non-aggressive products.

Observations to note:

The products used in this treatment are studied to be worked in one of the most delicate areas of the face. All existing in the market for such products houses have passed health checks on safety, but nevertheless, you should always keep in mind:

1. In the event that the product comes into contact with eyes, you proceed immediately to washing with water and, if the product can not produce any injury, you can always advised, to the relief of our client, consulting with a medical specialist.

2. It is recommended to work with maximum measures of disinfection and sterilization possible, both useful as professional hands, so you can not use the orange stick, or facial sponges and brush lashes without previously sterilized if any.

3. Curlers are disposable, single use.

4. The gel is composed of permanent thioglycolic acid, which is a component that alters the efficacy of the product if it gets in contact with metals, exposure to sunlight, a heat source or air. This alteration is manifested by a change in the texture, color and appearance of the product.

5. The products should be kept or stored in a cool, dark place away from any source of heat or light and never be applied to any kind of useful cash.

6. Finally they should follow the recommendations of use of each manufacturer

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