To avoid facing the sun do not stop reading these tips and so just enjoy its benefits, care of the practical skin for proper protection of the skin in the sun, before, during and after the exhibition:
"A successful protection skin can prevent the appearance of spots and blemishes, prevent photoaging or even long term, skin cancer. "
1. Photoprotection, always before leaving home. Sunscreen helps filter out ultraviolet A and B rays, which are harmful to the skin. It will also help us achieve a gradual tan and avoid short-term complications such as burns, and also long-term consequences, such as photoaging or even cancer piel.Los dermatologists recommend a SPF of 30 or higher. In addition, new protective factors provide vitamins to fight free radicals and hyaluronic acid to hydrate.
3. Hats, sunglasses, sarongs ... good allies! Currently on the market there are even T-shirts with added protection factor. Thanks to these supplements besides protecting us can even bring a touch "chic" to sun protection.
4. And nutricosmetics? To protect the skin before sun exposure are recommended nutricosmetics with components that activate our natural defenses against sun and also contain vitamins C, E and D and antioxidants. They protect the skin against the sun, will increase our ability to expose to the sun.
5. If we are at the beach or pool creams resistebtes water, keep in mind that the protector to be used is waterproof, as it is important to go refreshing every half hour. This ensures that our skin is protected at all times.
6. Eye with the central hours. The doctor recommended sun exposure before 11 am and after 16h and do it gradually. The hours when the sun is most dangerous are from 12am to 15pm.
7. Tans you, yes, but with caution. Although we apply protective factor, the skin tans. There is a false belief that if we apply protective factor we will not brown, but it is false. According to Dr. Adriana Ribé, creams with SPF let us bronceemos but continued healthily and avoiding burns and getting a more natural and beautiful tone, and also more durable.

8. Not only to protect the beach. There are people who simply use SPF when they go to the beach, but the alert doctor who is just as important to put sunscreen when walking through the city, is going to take something to a terrace, etc. In short we must always protect us expose to the sun.
9. And after the sun? After sun exposure, it is very important to apply moisturizers with aloe vera, that hydrate the skin, repair and maintain the tan get longer.
10. The importance of exfoliate the skin. Exfoliate the skin while showering once a week to remove dead cells and get a tan that is on healthy skin. This will help keep your tan longer.
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